St Andys Demo

St Andys Demo

A welcoming and vibrant community hub offering opportunities for all in the Brockley area and immediate Lewisham vicinity

Located in premises that form part of the local united reformed church’s buildings and a focal point for the area, the centre …

Bird Photography

Bird Photography

As a passionate and dedicated photographer, I specialise in photographing small wild birds, in flight where possible. My images are the result of many years of constantly making small refinements to my technique, combined with my ever-increasing knowledge of



EUSTORY-France est un concours d’histoire franco-allemand qui s’adresse aux élèves en France et en Allemagne.

Il est ouvert aux élèves français.e.s de la 4e au baccalauréat général ou professionnel. Les élèves allemand.e.s peuvent participer de la 8. Klasse à l’Abitur.…

Barn conversion

Barn conversion

According to a 2022 report by Homebuilding & Renovating, the average cost of a barn conversion in the UK is about £1,700 per square metre, but there are many factors that could significantly affect this and push the cost …

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